Ain’t nothing wrong with a place being challenging.

Not every realm can be blow-jobs and bon-bons.

But this shit is out of hand.

Gruesome atrocities against people because – skin color – design of flesh between legs – ancestors – blah! blah! blah!

Name whatever excuse for evil we need.

Countless people murdered because of who or how they love.

How they choose to live.

Murdered for their land, their heritage, their dance & song.

Because they maintain dignity in the face of mindless oppression.

We live inside a colonizing mind.

Everyday, millions of animals brutally sacrificed. Not for need.

For their suffering.

War grinds on and on and on…

We are born into a world that implores us to serve a sociopathic system, just like those animals we march through the slaughterhouse.


No one says this directly. Not exactly.

We learn some people are more valuable than others, some animals and places more valuable than others.

But everything, everyone is expendable.

Often disguised in platitudes of patriotism. Or religious devotions.

Most people are poor, entrenched in untouchable riches.

We are surrounded by a naturally abundant world (Fast being murdered, but still, amazingly, abundant!)

There is enough for everyone.

Technology exists that could give every person self-sustaining homes and transportation.

Off-Grid homes with electricity, food gardens and pure water. All Now Possible.

We have everything we need to make this place perfectly lovely. We even have the technology to clean up environmental damage from radiation, oil, gas & coal.

The systems in place – Fuels, Energy, Transportation, infrastructure – could be easily adapted to do little or no harm.

Seriously. In only a few years the whole world could change.

This healthy, efficient, ergonomic self-sustaining way is the natural way. It’s the wisdom of nature. To use & modify our surroundings to keep comfortable, safe and healthy. Except we can do it with foresight and care. We have the ability to create without being destructive. To sustain without crushing.

We could be such smart monkeys again.

But NERP. It’s hidden, suppressed, destroyed or only accessible to the elite.

Because they have more numbers. Is it really even paper or gold anymore?

Don’t matter. Call it widgets if youse wants.

They got more of a thing, real or imagined, and everybody else is garbage.

Garbage to be manipulated and used. Getting kicked in the ass for deigning to be born into wretchedness. Besides ill health & shitty views, poverty gifts shame.

Money prevents us from moving beyond slave wages and a very difficult life.

Poverty is an excellent way to encourage people to behave well and work hard.

But so is not-poverty. You don’t have to be wearing rags in the gutter to feel the oppressive nature of this existence. To sense the false veneer.

It’s suspicious how we’re spoon-fed a solitary history of blood-lust when every healthy human desires the exact opposite. Even those hopelessly bound by some form of sociopathic personality disorder express a sincere desire to not live a horrifying slaughterhouse of hate and bloodshed.

It’s fucking exhausting.

A good slave is a tired slave.

Are you tired?

It’s easy to throw words like sociopath or psychopath around.

It just means an asshole, right?


But there are documented cycles of behavior that define this as more than your garden-variety jerk. It is abuse so insidious that it eventually renders the target immobilized, zombified.

When one is caught in the whirlwind poison of a sociopath, psychopath or cluster-B disordered person, it is a blinding storm.

One becomes the target of gaslighting, triangulation, neglect & smearing.

Sometimes physical but always emotional abuse defined as ‘crazy-making’.

Destruction & suffering nourish them.

They smear you in earnest, to anyone who will listen.

In doing so they feel an almost god-like power to control how others view you and how negative falsehoods can really hurt your life, your work, your spirit.

A talented sociopath can feed on a trusting soul for a lifetime. If we allow it.

Extricating yourself from their clutches often means profound separation anxiety and Stockholm Syndrome. We buy what they’re selling and then reel as we unravel the lies that convinced us to stay.

We play the role of co-dependent, we comply. In doing so we become ill as well. Skewed to fit the dominant power’s insatiable need to control.

The worst victims are the ones born into a sociopathic or psychopathic family. They may never be able to figure out a healthy perspective of relationships, of themselves.

There are most certainly families without these destructive traits.

But what does it mean when the family in which all other families reside is inherently sociopathic?

We are talking about a system that effects all of us, and within which we are subject to it’s definitions, rules and restrictions. One must disregard ideas about being separate or different from other humans. This alone is a challenge for most of us.

The murderous divisionary tactics and unreasonable, inhumane restrictions on our basic needs meet the definition of Sociopathic.

It’s fast being called ‘normal’.