I was going to get to the bottom of it.

I did find a dilapidated structure like in the legend. But it was ruins. No evidence of anything but a teenage party spot. Beer cans, garbage, condoms, nasty cushions, butts & fire-pit.

I got to the other edge of the woods fairly quickly. It abutted an affluent neighborhood. A worn path suggested the party-ers came from that side.

After going to the principal’s office for – causing a panic for everyone concerned! – I reported back to my classmates.

One of them exclaimed he’d heard the story of the witch from his big brother. He knew that trail but never dared enter it. His brother told him his best friend’s broken arm happened trying to fight her magic.

He’d warned against the woods. But if it did appear to him, to not go near the shack – at all! Then run around a metal lamp-post 666 times to prevent her from following him into his room.

There was a somewhat recent death that was guaranteed to have been caused by the witch.

I watched as he put all the pieces together. His face reddening as he slowly shook his head for several seconds.

A few weeks later he told me I’d shortened his walk to school by ten minutes. I was later asked to check out a part of his basement.

No trolls.


Waters Breedlove
Waters Breedlove, I was a disruptive and rebellious teenager