Gnostic OOPA

Gnostic: possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters. OOPA: Out Of Place Artifact



I was born automatically drawing several ancient archetypal images in my mind. It started in the womb.  Glowing lines on the back of my eyelids. When the air hit me it was excruciating and consciousness exploded those forms into the palms of my hands like paper-cut fires.

I itched to carve, draw, and color these in countless ways. I yearned to use every slip of paper, every flimsy cardboard insert. I carved and colored bark, rocks and clay. My compulsion to draw on blank dreary walls has abated slightly. I work quickly. I’ve been making these same things for lifetimes. Some are buried and I realize the implications of revealing them is highly disruptive. They are hidden in all of my work. It’s bizarre to me. Because it often isn’t even conscious.

Some seen in modern imagery. For example, I recall lifetimes carving the five pointed star under royal orders. It is a sign of dominance and power and appears in that capacity all over the modern world. It is the sign of enslavement and I renounce the meaning of the five pointed star in the older work shown here. I was under a spell.

I do not consent.

We are all under spells – frequencies generated by the alchemy of line, light, color, sound and form.

All sacred things have been co-opted, disguised and skewed. Music is a powerful magic that hypnotizes most of us still. But mass produced music has strange frequencies embedded within it. Becoming established talent means compromising your work to serve their agendas. Moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoney…

Why is everything co-opted when we can choose to be free?

Why is art, color & healing sound not a part of every community?


Very intentional my friends.

Color, shape, lines, music – we’ve been taught to ignore the power these hold over  us.

The magic is right in front of us, within us, yet we regard these miracles as logos for fast food and car dealerships.

We dismiss our deepest longings. We shed who we are with the dark cloak of this place.

We shrug off the genius of children still communing with the Great Spirit. We cut ourselves off believing it is the correct path.

So much that it has become the path.

For most of my young life I strove to draw anything but these images.

They are magnets in my creative mind!

I abhor being controlled!

Alas, there is flow from which I cannot extricate myself.

There is deep occult knowledge about the power of color, line, form, image. It is hidden from us, because it empowers us.

Everyone is born with the creative soul. We are tricked out of it for lifetimes.


You can wait for this page to load and download for personal use OR you can go to DeviantArt and see over 700 interdisciplinary pieces nicely organized but with tasteful watermarks.

More Art & Music can be found on this old website.